I’ve been a bad girl

I had to go to Portland today, for a post-op checkup and to deliver my quilt for the NW Quilting Expo. I thought of several things I could do while I was up there — go to the Fabric Depot, visit the new Ikea, call Ronda and see if she wanted to do lunch (even though I can’t eat much), or — I could go to EE Schenck and set up a wholesale account. I’ve been meaning to go to Schenck’s for years now, so I decided to just do it. OMG! I came hope with so much stuff, including 145 yards of fabric!! I bought two flat fold packs of 50 yards each — on in civil war repros (for my Dear Jane and, of course, much more!), and one day/night pack of navy/white. They are both gorgeous and, at $2 a yard, how could I say no? Then my eye was caught by some gorgeous batiks. I bought three bolts in colors that I use often. Of course, I also bought a few books and some patterns and then some notions. Geez. It doesn’t take long for that stuff to add up. I also met a new friend. Chris, the man who helped show me around, is a longarm quilter who just moved to Portland from Kansas. He also has an APQS machine, is also making a Dear Jane, and we just chattered away the whole time. It was nice to meet someone so friendly there.

As punishment for my overspending, my A/C decided not to work between Portland and Salem, on a day when the temp was 94!! It finally kicked on just south of Salem, just in time for the traffic to come to a standstill in construction. I was so grateful that it finally worked.

Oh! The checkup! The doc says I’m doing great, but I need to eat more! He told me that last time too. I guess I’d best get with it. Cheesecake, anyone? ;-P

8 thoughts on “I’ve been a bad girl

  1. Linda, it sounds like a heavenly day (except for the a/c not wanting to work the whole drive). What a great score on the bargains!!! You couldn’t pass up something like that—no way, no how!

    Glad you are feeling so well and that you got a great report from the doctor!

    Cheesecake? Oh yummmm!! I know you are kidding, but I did enjoy thinking about it for a moment or two. 🙂

  2. Chris is quite a chatter box, does he have his machine set up yet????? I do not buy fabric there but I get into trouble with the threads.

    Glad to hear that you are feeling so good and please eat a piece of cheesecake for me also!

    Can’t wait to see you in a couple weeks…..

  3. Oh my yes! He can talk up a storm. He was fun though. No, his machine is not set up yet. I was a bit disappointed in the threads – they have lots and lots of spools, but not much in the way of cones. I worry about running out in the middle of a spool.

  4. I want to go shopping too! It sounds like a great store – and good for you that you need to eat more . The only time I have been told that was when I was pregnant.

    hope you had a good time with your gathering. They probablye weren’t even looking at the housekeeping. Hows the quilting going?

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